Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday June 21st

Ramona and I have arrived in Kanab Utah. The trip from Salt Lake City was along scenic back roads. We passed a Mormon temple on the way to Richfield Utah. I'll try to post the pictures. As we drove down hwy 89 to Kanab we had to add clothing to keep warm. It was probably in the 50's. When we arrived in Kanab model ts were every where. We found Frank and Vickie Henderson at the motel. Later we found Rick and Amy Goeltz' Tonight we had a picnic at the park. There were about 200 ts there. What a sight. Tomorrow we will tour Brice Canyon National Park.

1 comment:

  1. Well what a picture. Seems you all made it not too worse for the wear. I hope you all have a great time "T"ing your way through the west. Will be anxiously waiting back home for your return with what is sure to be a number of tales to be told.

    Wish we could be ther with you.
